Recently I watched a movie named ‘casino’. After seeing it, something occurred to me.... This film was all about Las Vegas, the casino world & how people fight to make it to the top. So at the end, the film was all about backstabbing each other.
After a long 2hrs n 40min of watching I want to share something with you guys...
Is backstabbing a naturally acquired taste of every human being? I mean we all hear people say:
“We hate people with two faces!!” and all that stuff.... Even I utter the same lines sometimes. But perhaps at the days end we all end up backstabbing each other...
but why? Maybe we don’t know the answer, or maybe we all know...
We all have our feet on a clay field, so we feel uncomfortable whenever attention is drawn to our base. We all have certain drawbacks, no one is perfect. Every human being has certain negativity blended with positivity.
It is my realisation that, say we meet someone and become good acquaintances. Initially we get attracted to each other, of course seeing certain good characteristics of each other. But as days pass by and we get closer, we come to know each other in a much better way. We realise the other aspects, other shades of that person. We may like it or hate it.
If we like it, it’s ok. But what happens if it’s the other way around?
The answer is simple. There comes a crack in relationship. It just shatters… We blame each other unreasonably… We think, “Was it the same person I liked???”
My q is that why can’t we all accept the fact that we all have certain negative aspects and can do nothing about it except trying our best to correct them. Perhaps there is no single person living/dead who doesn’t/didn’t have negative aspects.
So, my point is simple, if we could just accept this single fact & cooperate or better to say compromise a bit, perhaps there wouldn’t have been so many cracks in friendship or relationship like we all see around us.
I donno whether I am right or wrong. But this is the way I think. What do you think?
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The famous expression "There are two sides to every coin" is one thing that definitely holds for the human nature...We all live under veils and shrouds..Masks and disguises which prevent other people to see the real us..We let them see what we want them too see... So backstabbin or deception is only second nature to every human...think abt it!!
We all have it yet its true we do hide it...at least some of us do...cause we all want to be good guys in the other person's eyes..
What u said about compromise and understanding is something which we all do...but that doesn't mean the inner demon disappears because of it...We aren't saints..we are mortal..only human and hence tainted by all the inequities that spoil us...
Its true what u said that we can accept the fact and try..but tell me this will u be able to interact with some1 when u constantly have the naggin thought in the back of ur head telling u that this guy is not right..or maybe whatever i'm tellin him might come back to me someday to haunt me????
Nobody knows another person that well unless he or she lives or spend some time close to them...
As friends or acquaintances we may be one person yet something completely different inside...
When we get to know about some1's negetive sides conciously or unconsciously we all keep hiding information in the fear that maybe just maybe in case the relation turns sour the truth of the fact or the implications of our actions may come back to haunt us...
Its only human nature..Only Human hence flawed...the only thing that we have is trust and hope...Trust that inspite of all the negetivity of the person i can rely on him...hope that if nething bad happens to shatter the relation old skeletons remain locked in the cupboard...nothing else...
Remember this and remember it well for it is one the most toughest lessons u'll ever learn in life... There's no one waiting for u with a candle at the end of the dark corridor only u'll alone have to find the way...U'll falter u'll fall u'll be hurt and bruised but u'll have to persevere...If not life will kick u in the gut and leave u bleeding...and there won't be any friends around to help u...they'll all disappear..
U said we should learn to compromise but would u compromise with the fact that the person infront of u can turn out to be ur worst enemy and use everything u told him against u thus bringing u or ur loved ones in harms way...are u willing to take the risk???
Its not compromise we have what we have only a contract...
"I like u..u r are my friend...i will share information with u...i will tell u everything i think two people can share in return i hope u donot betray me"
All friendships have cracks some visible and some invisible it only depends on how much u r willing to stretch it!!!!
Thats what i think...what do u think???
Well, first of all may be u r right in saying that I can’t talk freely with someone of whom I have
a nagging thought in back that what I say now can be used against me in future....
But you won’t make a person who isn’t trustworthy, your friend will u? We all are quite selective about making friends... we all are cautious, not from being betrayed, but from our own weakness.
I know the facts quite well that there won’t be anyone for me, or for anyone to help at the end of the tunnel, holding a light, showing the path...
We have to find our own way... that’s the way everything works... each an every person is alone sometimes & has to take his/her own decisions...
All I am trying to say is if I can’t find a damn person trustworthy in this world then why live?? compromisation is definitely up to a certain level, but I have seen people who don’t even try to.
That’s what I hate...
I agree with what you said:
“All friendships have cracks some visible and some invisible it only depends on how much u r willing to stretch it!!!!”
What I am willing to say is, don’t stretch it too far that ultimately it breaks...
If one can trust himself, his judgments, his beliefs, he/she’ll definitely move ahead...
Perhaps there is nothing as an ideal relationship in this world... But the least we can do is giving it a try.
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